Main » 2012 » October » 7 » HI! Some updates on our film progress!!!
5:05 PM
HI! Some updates on our film progress!!!
Dear Saphravine Studios users,
I expect you have been wondering why we have been so quiet lately! Well, the truth is that we have been EXTREMELY busy lately, working on Friendship Charm! I mean, imagine what would happen if it wasn't ready by Christmas! (Yes, I know, you can't.) It would be a DISASTER! So we have been working non stop for the last couple of weeks.

We have just about finished making the list of props, and we have started searching for places to get them form.
We SHOULD have it ready by Christmas... I hope.... (No, don't worry! We will!)

We will post some more as soon as we have some more news, which should be tomorrow!

Thank you for reading this,

Sapphravine Studios

P.S. We also have a new logo, which I have attached here.
Category: Up and coming film progress | Views: 1200 | Added by: canteron | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
2 canteron  
Sorry! It isn't turning up at all! Oh well, we will put it up as soon as I can!!!

1 canteron  
Sorry, our logo does't seem to have turned up!:lol: Sorry. Here it is anyway!

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